About Liz Chang, poet
Book Biography
Liz Chang published her first two full-length collections (Provenance and What Ordinary Objects) in 2007 and 2012 with Book&Arts Press. What Ordinary Objects includes original poems and translations from French. Her chapbook Animal Nocturne (2018) is available from Moonstone Press. Her newest chapbook, Museum of Things, was published by Finishing Line Press in early 2023. (See the 'Shop page for more!)
Writing & Membership
Liz's translations of French surrealist poet Claude de Burine appeared in The Adirondack Review and in the Paris in Our View anthology from l'Association des Amis d'Shakespeare & Company in Paris. Her poetry has recently appeared in Verse Daily, Exit 7, Origins Journal, Stoneboat Literary Journal, Schuylkill Valley Journal, and Breakwater Review, among others. Her essays and reviews are included in Oyster River Pages, Philadelphia Stories and Los Angeles Review of Books. Her flash fiction has been published internationally. She is a member of the improv poetry reading group No River Twice and was an inaugural member of Wordshop and the Advisory Board of the Montgomery County Poet Laureate program.

Photograph by David Robson
Photograph by Adrianne Mathiowetz
Awards & Background
Liz was named the 2012 Montgomery County Poet Laureate in Pennsylvania by Kathleen Sheeder Bonnano. Animal Nocturne was selected for publication in the Moonstone Press Chapbook contest by Grace Bauer. Museum of Things was a semi-finalist for the Black River Chapbook contest from Black Lawrence Press in 2021 prior to publication by Finishing Line Press. This manuscript includes the Pushcart-nominated poem "On Jolly Holiday." It was named one of the Best Poetry books of the last year (2022-2023) by Ms. Magazine. Liz received her MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts and works as an Associate Professor of Creative Writing at Moravian University. She lives with her family, cat, dog, and a hive of honeybees outside of Philadelphia.